David S. Wilde LCSW, JD
"The Secret" Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction Coaching
We "get" what we continually think about. Our thoughts and feelings have a real impact on how things turn out. The (not-so-secret) law of attraction (LOA) is the relationship between our thoughts, the feelings they trigger, and what we experience as our reality. Those thoughts and feelings are energetic vibrations which attract matching vibrations.
So the things we regularly think about result in what we attract back into our lives in the form of our relationships, our work, our finances, and our general abundance - or lack thereof. In other words, the circumstances of our lives. This is the metaphysical correlate for cognitive therapy which has been shown, over time, to produce physical changes in the brain's shape and neuronal connections, similar to the physical effects on the brain seen following the use of psychotropic medications.
These principles are far from new. Many sacred texts, most major religious traditions, and varied works over the centuries have implored us to guard our thoughts more carefully, reminding us that we are very reckless with the thoughts that we allow ourselves to focus upon, and which have the mammoth power to create our worlds and even to enslave us, if we so allow them.
It is important to understand that negative thinking and judgment is not typically deliberate, obvious, or even conscious. When you've concluded that you've "woken up on the wrong side of the bed," you're more likely to miss your train to work or otherwise have a stressful day. That is, unless you deliberately tweak your energy. When you focus repeatedly on how much you hate your job, or your living situation, or how unhappy you are with your relationships, you're putting out negative vibrations. Even just wishing you had a newer car, a different partner, or a different career emits negative energy. Why? Because your wish, or hope, or desire for something other than what you have affirms the reality of your undesirable circumstances and broadcasts the emotional vibrations of inadequacy, scarcity or deprivation.
Law of attraction coaching teaches you the fundamentals of LOA principles and how to apply them in your life, resulting in more abundance, happiness, and inner peace.
It's important to note that there are significant limitations to popular and common understandings of the LOA. Some of those limitations underscore the differences between life coaching - which is about pragmatically creating change, and psychotherapy - which is about healing often long-standing, unconscious obstacles to change, often stemming from trauma, family-of-origin dysfunction and other energetic blocks. They also stem from a misunderstanding and oversimplification of its principles. For more information, please read my article entitled The Secret Behind "The Secret'" Law of Attraction in the Articles tab of this website.