David S. Wilde LCSW, JD
A Course in Miracles (ACIM or The Course) has been described as a self-study program of spiritual psychotherapy by Marianne Williamson. It is a channeled set of writings which offers us a profound spiritual and psychotherapeutic curriculum reminding us of who we are as human beings.
The Course is not a religion or a a set of dogmas. It states that there are thousands of paths to God or Spirit, and that this is just one of them. For myself and countless others around the globe (it ha been translated into 27 languages), ACIM is a profound and invaluable guide to the Truth of Who we are an who we are not, and of overcoming every seeming obstacle in our lives and relationships.
ACIM teaches us how to choose and experience love (meaning inner peace) over fear (meaning any internal state other than inner peace) moment by moment, day by day. Not just because it makes us feel good, but because it is the existential Truth. ACIM parallels many religious and spiritual paths in that it speaks of a Greater Truth than what we experience here incarnate. The exception is the absence, in the world of God / Spirit, of the reality of fear, judgment, guilt, and sin.
In The Course, a miracle is a shift in perspective, a shift in how we look at things. Perspective is everything. Because how we look at things literally and metaphysically creates the world we experience.​​ Choosing love over fear is the perceptual shift or “miracle” that the Course teaches, returning us to profound Inner peace, our birthright. Doing so brings immediate surrender and with it, bountiful and overflowing love and joy. And that is available to us all in the blink of an eye when we remember that we are not separate bodies as we appear to be, but rather light beings who put on “body suits” and then forgot.
The Course states that it does not aim at teaching the meaning of love ... but rather at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. Abundance is already here and now. It surrounds us. So we don't have to create our best life; we just have to get out of our own way. That mean shifting over and over again from the ego's fear-based thinking to Spirit's perspective that we lack nothing. It asks for the continuous surrender and release of fear, judgment, guilt and the illusory notion of "sin.
The Course says that we live here in a dream, in a world of illusions. Everything we see here, in this dream of a world - except for Peace and Love - is upside down: We are not our bodies. What we give, we receive. The more we give from a place of Love, the more that we have. Sin does not exist, it is only error, which comes from the ego and can be corrected. Only Love is real; darkness and fear and guilt and shame are ego-created illusions. Anything that is not Love is a cry for love. There is no such thing as heaven or hell after death; hell is what we experience here when we feel separate and afraid. We are not victims; we choose the experience of victimhood. Time does not exist. There is no such thing as death.
A Course in Miracles is a is a radical paradigm shift from who we think we are and what we perceive this world to be. It is not the only path to know Spirit / God / Truth.
But it is one way to be restored to experiencing a return Home. ​​​
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